Call for Abstracts

The State of the Science Meeting invites abstracts for oral presentations and posters from non-profit leaders, researchers, students, extension agents, public health administrators, clinical providers, practitioners, community health workers and other individuals in related fields.  

Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts that focus on translating the research findings to solutions and implementation for better fishing and aquaculture worker health and well-being. Individuals with local, national, and international research experiences are encouraged to submit, including new investigators and students. This Call for Abstracts requests papers relevant to occupational safety and health in small-scale fishing and aquaculture industries addressing one of the following topic areas.

  • Gulf Coast and U.S. Caribbean fishing safety norms and standards 
  • Disaster preparedness and recovery
  • Safety gear technologies
  • Safe-vessel design
  • Climate Change 
  • Environmental Justice
  • Mental Health

Abstract descriptions can be submitted electronically via the link at the bottom of this page until January 13, 2025 (11:59 p.m. ET).  All abstracts will be reviewed on independent merit according to a standardized process by abstract reviewers. All abstracts must follow one of the two formats below.

Structured Abstract Format

  • Background: Study objectives, hypothesis, or a description of the problem;
  • Methodology: Study design, including a description of participants, procedures, measures, and appropriate statistical analyses;
  • Results: Specific results in summary form; and
  • Conclusions: Description of the study’s main outcome or the intended with supporting data.

Alternative Abstract Format

Suited for abstracts about policy, programs, interventions, and other types of research evaluations, may be used:

  • Issues: A summary of the issue(s) addressed;
  • Description: Description of the project, experience, service, or advocacy program;
  • Lessons Learned: A brief description of the results of the project; and
  • Recommendations: A brief statement of next steps.

All abstracts must be submitted electronically. Abstracts should be limited to no more than 300 words. Incomplete abstracts will not be considered.